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Dimensões: 143,2cm x 68cm x 69cm H.

Código: MOVEL24117

Raríssimo baú em cedro europeu policromado com guarnições em ferro batido. Caixa retangular, tampa plana, com exterior em “brick red”. Ao ser aberto revela interior pintado em verde, ornamentado por cena de dois casais passeando em jardim florido. Alças, dobradiças e reforços da caixa em ferro batido.

Estados Unidos da América, século XVIII.

18th-Century Immigrant Coffer: A Testament to Swedish Craftsmanship in the New World This exquisite 18th-century painted coffer likely tells the story of a Swedish artisan who ventured to North America, carrying with them the traditions of Scandinavian craftsmanship. Built from solid pine, this chest showcases a harmonious blend of Old World techniques and the practical demands of frontier life. The original red-painted exterior, softened and enriched by time, bears the marks of history, while the robust hand-forged iron hardware—including corner reinforcements, side handles, and a central lockplate—reflects both functionality and durability. Inside, the coffer reveals a breathtaking hand-painted scene adorning the lid. It features elegantly attired figures amidst blooming trees and floral motifs, rendered in vibrant greens, reds, and yellows. This naive yet charming artwork speaks to a longing for home and heritage, capturing the nostalgia of a craftsman recreating a slice of Sweden in a distant land. Every dovetail joint is meticulously crafted, a testament to the artisan’s skill and dedication to longevity. The coffer’s generous proportions suggest it was not only a storage chest but also an essential traveling companion, safeguarding valuables and memories alike. This piece is more than furniture; it’s a cultural artifact—a bridge between Sweden and America, between tradition and adaptation. Whether placed in a historical interior, a collector’s gallery, or as a statement piece in a contemporary space, this coffer stands as a symbol of resilience, artistry, and the enduring human spirit in the face of change.

Dimensões: 148cm x 59cm x 70,7cm H.

Código: MOVE24111

Raríssimo grande baú em carvalho. Datado junto à fechadura, 1722, e iniciais NP. Caixa retangular – ornamentada por entalhes em frisos dísticos, escamas, e volutas reservando flores aos cantos superiores – centralizada por quatro painéis balizados por frisos retilíneos. Montantes dianteiros e traseiros em peças que descem até o chão, formando os pés. Duas volutas aplicadas, uma delas com falta, entalhadas com ramos florais, finalizam a fachada. Fechadura em funcionamento e chave, originais.

França, 1722.

Dimensões: 128,4cm x 59,5cm x 90cm H.

Código: MOVEL24116

Grande baú em castanho, ainda nas linhas do mobiliário Gótico. Tampa arqueada, caixa reta formada por tábuas em painéis decorados com rosetas entalhadas. Pés retilíneos. Guarnições em ferro batido.

Península Ibérica, século XVII.

Antique Iberian Coffer, Late 17th to Early 18th Century
This remarkable antique coffer, dating from the late 17th to early 18th century, embodies the rustic elegance and enduring craftsmanship of Iberian design, likely originating from Spain or Portugal. Crafted from solid hardwood, possibly oak or chestnut, it showcases exceptional durability and a warm patina earned over centuries of careful use.
The façade is adorned with intricately hand-carved sunburst or rosette motifs, a signature element of Iberian furniture from this period, symbolizing protection and prosperity. These symmetrical patterns, set against recessed panels, provide a subtle yet captivating visual harmony. The robust iron lockplate at the center suggests the coffer was designed to safeguard valuable possessions, adding an air of mystery to its storied past.
The lid opens to reveal a spacious interior, marked by the natural grain of the wood and reinforced with traditional joinery. Its proportions strike a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal, making it suitable as a storage piece or a distinctive focal point in any room.
This coffer is not merely a piece of furniture; it’s a tangible fragment of history, carrying with it the weight of tradition and the whispers of bygone eras. Whether placed in an entryway, living room, or at the foot of a grand bed, it promises to infuse your space with timeless character and authenticity.
An exceptional acquisition for collectors of antique furniture or anyone who values the beauty of historic craftsmanship.

Dimensões: 126cm x 53,2cm x 60,5cm H.

Código: MOVEL24106

Báu em jacarandá. Caixa retangular, canelada, com tampo emoldurado, ornamentada por grandes almofadas no feitio de “diamantes”. Par de gavetas alinhadas com puxadores em lágrimas de ferro, e pés torneados. Grande fechadura em ferro batido, com chave original.

Portugal, século XIX.

Dimensões: 141cm x 67cm x 75,5cm H.

Código: MOVEL24107

Grande baú em jacarandá e vinhático. Caixa retangular com tampo emoldurado, fachada e laterais ornamentadas por frisos de tremidos formando painéis centralizados em losangos. Grande fechadura com espelho, e lingueta larga lavrada, em ferro batido. Par de gavetas com puxadores em ferro batido, pés em bolachas. Laterais guarnecidas por alças, também, em ferro batido.

Portugal, século XVIII-XIX.

Dimensões: 156,6cm x 65cm x 106cm H.

Código: MOVEL24108

Grande cômoda monástica italiana, em madeira européia. Caixa reta, composta por tampo emoldurado de abrir, fixado por três grandes dobradiças em ferro batido. Frente composta por um gavetão falso, “abattant”, par de gavetas alinhadas e gavetão. Puxadores lavrados no feitio de flores, base emoldurada, e pés recortados e entalhados em volutas.

Itália, início do século XVIII.

Nota: a profundidade com abattant fechado é de 65cm, e aberto 88cm.

Dimensões: 119,2 cm x 62,7cm x 121,5cm H.

Código: MOVEL24118

Grande cômoda estilo Império em jacarandá. Caixa retangular, alta, com frente composta por par de gavetas alinhadas sobre quatro gavetões. Quinas guarnecidas por colunas entalhadas com folhagens, barra da base recortada e pés, dianteiros e traseiros, torneados. Puxadores torneados. Contra fundo da caixa marcado a fogo, trazendo o nome do fabricante e a data, 1933.

Rio de Janeiro, século XX (1933).

Dimensões: 53cm H x 43cm / 95,5cm H x 86cm.

Código: QUADRO5701

“Nossa Senhora com o Menino”, e na mão esquerda um curioso arcabuz. Óleo sobre tela. Moldura em madeira entalhada e dourada, com aplicações de espelho.


Cusco, século XX.

Dimensões: 110cm H x 79cm / 135cm H x 104cm.

Código: QUADRO5702

“Nossa Senhora das Dores”. Óleo sobre tela. Moldura em madeira entalhada e dourada.

América Espanhola, século XVII.

Dimensões: 54cm x 52cm x 96cm H.

Código: MOVEL24112

Par de raras cadeiras Império Russo, em madeira européia e rádica. Espaldares formatados por cachaços lisos, recortados, que se estendem formando a tabela rematada por travessão recortado e entalhado. Braços arqueados, suportados por apoios em “console inverso”, ornamentados por folhas de acantos. Assentos estofados, e pernas dianteiras torneadas e frisadas em gomos.

Rússia, século XIX.

This splendid pair of 19th-century Russian Empire armchairs exemplifies the opulence and craftsmanship synonymous with the period. Carved from rich, dark wood, these chairs feature gracefully curved armrests adorned with intricate floral motifs, highlighting the artisanship involved. The rounded backrests, framed by a robust yet elegant structure, offer comfort without sacrificing aesthetic appeal, with a central decorative element echoing the architectural grandeur of the Empire style. The chairs rest on turned legs, reinforcing their strong yet refined design, while the upholstered seats are covered in a luxurious red fabric with a diamond pattern, adding a touch of regality. The marriage of form and function is evident, making these armchairs not only beautiful pieces of furniture but also practical for everyday use in formal settings. Ideal for a sophisticated study, a formal sitting room, or as statement pieces in a grand entryway, these chairs are sure to enhance any space with their timeless elegance and historical charm. The bold design and meticulous attention to detail reflect the grandeur of Russian nobility during the 19th century, evoking a sense of aristocratic splendor. Whether for a collector of Russian Empire antiques or someone with a passion for historical furniture, these chairs represent a rare and valuable acquisition that will continue to appreciate in both beauty and worth over time.


Dimensões: 123cm x 58cm x 128cm H.  (canapé)

Código: MOVEL24111

Conjunto de mobiliário para sala de visitas composto por canapé, par de cadeiras com braços, e par de cadeiras. Espaldares no feitio de escudo, encimados por florões, e ladeados por calunetas rematadas por carrapeta. Pernas cilíndricas e frisadas, que afinam-se para baixo, terminadas por rodízios em bronze.

Inglaterra, século XIX

This remarkable 19th-century 5-piece parlor set is a stunning example of the Victorian era’s craftsmanship and elegance. Comprising a grand settee and four exquisite chairs, including two armchairs and two side chairs, this suite is meticulously crafted in rich, solid wood with intricately carved details that accentuate its regal design. The high-backed chairs and settee showcase beautifully upholstered backs and seats in a warm velvet, that needs to be replaced, as it shows signs of wear, adding both comfort and sophistication. The woodwork is adorned with elegant scrolls and flourishes, showcasing the artisan’s skill in the ornate carvings, particularly at the crests of each chair and along the top of the settee. The armchairs are stately, featuring carved armrests and turned legs on casters, allowing for ease of movement. The side chairs follow suit in design, providing uniformity and grace to this stately ensemble. This set exudes both luxury and refinement, perfect for adding a touch of historical charm to any living space. The timeless quality of the materials and the craftsmanship ensure this parlor set will remain a prized piece for generations to come. Whether placed in a formal sitting room or used as accent pieces in a modern interior, these furnishings will serve as an elegant focal point. Ideal for collectors and those who appreciate the beauty of fine antique furniture, this parlor set is a rare find from a bygone era.

  • Dimensions of the settee:
    Height: 50.4 in (128 cm)Width: 48.43 in (123 cm)Depth: 22.84 in (58 cm). 



Dimensões: 35cm x 35cm x 92cm H.
Código: MOVEL5701

“Sgabello”. Cadeira baixa, em madeira européia enegrecida, no feitio da antiga, e célebre, cadeira da Renascença Italiana conhecida como sgabello.  Espaldar recortado, assento quadrangular chanfrado aos cantos sobre gavetinha. Pernas torneadas reunidas por amarração em travessas lisas. Pés piriformes.

Itália, século XIX.